Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Derba MIDROC Cement PLC is executing a number of cement production projects in different parts of the country

Derba MIDROC Cement PLC is executing a number of cement production projects in different parts of the country. The 5000 tpd clinkerization (7000 tpd cement) production plant to be put up at Derba 70 km from Addis Ababa will be the largest and state-of-the-art cement production plant in the country.

The plant produces Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) that will meet the requirements of Ethiopian National Standard EN 1177-1: 2005 or European Standard EN-197. The OPC will be produced as per CEM-I-42.5 grade and will contain 95% clinker and 5% gypsum. The PPC will be produced as per CEMII-32.5 grade and will contain 67% clinker, 28% pumice and 5% gypsum. The design and manufacturing of all production machineries of the plant are based on the latest state-of-the-art cement technology. The fuel used is Coal and HFO alternatively.
Among the major raw materials required for cement production, limestone, clay, basalt,
sandstone, and gypsum are abundantly available in the Derba-Muger Valley. As it was observed from the preliminary geological survey of the raw materials study, that the deposit of the above materials is much more than enough for the whole plant life for the 5,000tpd clinker production capacity. Since, pumice, the raw material, required for production of PPC cement, is not available in Derba-Muger valley, this material has to be transported by trucks from Nazareth or Zeway area.
The Power requirement of the plant is estimated to 46MVA. Power to the plant will be conveyed through a 132kv transmission line up to a substation at the boundary of the plant, then stepped down and distributed to the different user departments. Another 5 MW will be required for residential area and related facilities. The total water requirement for the plant and domestic uses has been estimated as 3,000m3/day, which is planned to be availed by drilling a number of water wells to tap the ground water reserves.
Derba & Dejen Mini Cement Plant Projects
The main objectives of these two mini cement plant projects, considering the short completion time of the project compared to the bigger plants, are to support the local cement supply market by having a better cement plant distribution across the country, and to support the supply of cement required for the construction of Derba MIDROC Main Cement Plant Project.
The mini plants are of SABOO (India) VSK plants with a production capacity of 300tpd
each. Each plant has a vertical shaft kiln and employs semi-dry process. The fuel used is
pet-coke with 8300 kcal/kg.
The Derba Mini Cement Plant is found near the main plant and Dejen Mini Cement plant is found 230km from Addis Ababa to the northwest direction near Dejen town in the Amhara Regional State.

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