Braless is Best? Study Says Bras Make Breasts Saggier
Taking measurements with a caliper, the researchers found that by not wearing a bra, muscles around the breast actually strengthened and the "nipple raised 7mm per year toward the shoulder." However, the scientists did not recommend all women abandon their bras since their muscles had probably already degraded.
While the phenomenon of "bra burning" has been greatly exaggerated, in 1970s it was not only politically correct but also fashionable to go braless in the United States. Since then, women have been trussing themselves into increasingly structured—and expensive—undergarments. According to Business Week, the women's intimates' industry generates over $11 billion a year in revenues.
The results of the study may be intriguing, but it's doubtful that droves of American women are going to ditch their bras anytime soon. For one thing, a study by the Center for Talent Innovation found that women who jiggle around the work place are deemed less worthy to become executives by both men and and other women.
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