Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu, a Forbes 'World's 100 Most Powerful' Woman

Recently named in Forbes'
World's 100 Most Powerful Women list as a 'Woman to Watch', and the Winner of the 2012 Schwab Foundation
Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Bethlehem
Tilahun Alemu is the Founder & CEO of
From the humblest of beginnings, Bethlehem has built soleRebels
into the planet's fastest growing African footwear brand and the very first global
footwear brand to ever emerge from a developing nation.
She has created world class jobs, and empowered her
community and country, whilst presenting a galvanized, dynamic face of
African creativity to the global market.
Bethlehem was born and raised in the Zenabwork/Total area of Addis
Ababa, one of the most impoverished and marginalized communities of
Ethiopia. Growing up Bethlehem saw that Ethiopia had plenty of charity
“brands” but not a single global brand of its own, so she set out to
change all that. In early 2005, fresh out of college in Addis Ababa,
Bethlehem founded the trailblazing footwear company soleRebels to
provide solid community-based jobs. Tapping into her community’s and the
nation's rich artisan wealth and heritages, Bethlehem started
re-imagining what footwear could be.

years, many shoes and hundreds of creative, dignified and well paying
jobs later, soleRebels is the planet's fastest growing African footwear
brand and the world’s first and only World Fair Trade Federation [WFTO]
Fair Trade certified footwear company. Constantly elevating the idea of
her brand can achieve, Bethlehem has led soleRebels to become the first
ever brand from a developing nation to open branded, stand-alone retail
stores around the globe including in Asia and the EU. soleRebels is on
track to be the first global branded retail chain from a developing
nation to open 100 stores and achieve over $100 million USD in revenues
by 2017.
Bethlehem's awards
remarkable women shaping modern Africa alongside Oprah Winfrey, Dambisa Moyo ,
Angelina Jolie
- FORBES Magazine World's 100 Most
Powerful Women 2012 Woman to Watch
- Winner 2012 Schwab Foundation Social
Entrepreneur of the Year Award
- FORBES Magazine 20 Youngest Power Women In
Africa List
- FORBES Magazine - Africa's Most Successful
Women: Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu
- New York City Venture Fellow (Mayor
Michael Bloomberg)
- 2011 World Economic Forum Young Global
Leader [YGL]
- Winner 2011 Legatum Africa Awards for
- Winner 2011 Most Valuable Entrepreneur
Award Global Entrepreneurship Week
- Winner 2011 Outstanding African Business
Woman, African Business Awards
We spoke to Bethlehem about
the early days of her business; the challenges of building a global
brand; and her commitment to providing life-changing opportunities for
her workers.
TNW: How did you come up with the
idea for soleRebels and then arrive at the decision to quit your job as an
accountant and turn your idea into a reality?
BTA: I began soleRebels for two essential reasons:
1.We had LOTS OF creatively talented people in my
community, especially artisan talents, yet there were LITTLE TO NO job
opportunities for these people. Added to that talent was an abundance of
natural resources here in Ethiopia from which to craft awesome footwear - everything from free range leathers
to organic cotton, JUTE and Abyssinian hemp - a perfect
platform just waiting for something big to happen. So this all struck me
as BOTH an immense tragedy AND also an
immense opportunity. I knew if we could leverage these talents and
resources in the correct format , the response from the market would be
2. Layered on top of this was that I kept hearing
over and over the phrase “poverty alleviation” in the wider context of Ethiopia
and specifically with regards to the community where I grew up.
As I entered
college and started working to support myself and my brothers, it had become
clear to me that poverty alleviation is a myth.
It also became clear
to me that prosperity
creation is the sole route to the elimination of poverty. And to create
prosperity you have to create something
world class.
So that’s what started to really crystallize my thinking.
My premise
from the beginning was that soleRebels would be an innovative company
committed to creating world class footwear and apparel products, great
community based jobs that create sustained prosperity by utilizing the
diverse, and sustainable materials and artisan arts of Ethiopia. There
wasn’t a light bulb moment in the classic sense. It was more like an
The seleate/barabasso, which is the traditional recycled tire sole
shoe here in Ethiopia, was all around us and so too were the myriad of
artisan crafts and natural inputs that I described previously. When the
push came to found the compan,y I knew at that point that footwear was
the platform as it would allow us a
broad palette on which to express our creativity and also employ a wide
of incredible artisan-crafted and artisan-engineered materials.
Not only have we
re-imagined the selate/barabasso but soleRebels has re-imagined what
footwear and artisan craft can be. We never did, nor do we now, just
employ artisans; we have refined and redefined their craft to help them
and us reach entirely new levels of craftsmanship, so that the input or
product they create for our shoes is something totally new. This ethos
is innovation in action and has given us innovations like totally new
thread types
that our hand spinners have imagined; a new weave technique that gave
birth to
a new more breathable and absorbent fabric for lining our shoes and
sandal straps with.
When people think of innovation they think of a new
technology or some such thing but innovation is in fact substantively
improving the state of what was before.
And so innovation can and must be applied
to areas like artisan crafting. In fact it’s this approach that will keep them
vital and relevant. This is one of the reasons soleRebels has found
success - we have embraced the idea that tradition and innovation go hand
in hand, so that yesterday's hand loomer of fabrics is tomorrow’s
textile innovator; yesterdays cobbler is tomorrow’s added value shoe
artisan, pioneering style and comfort through the use of the
improved artisan inputs. So when we look at artisan crafting through this prism
we can see a whole new future of possibilities. . . that’s the
ethos we employ and that’s one of the assets that makes what soleRebels
does totally unique, vibrant, dynamic and exciting; and its one of the key
reasons people the world over love our
products and our brand. It’s a totally new presentation of artisan
craft, relevant and dynamic, one that simultaneously reaches back into the past
and into the present and the future.
As for the name
soleRebels, that was a piece of beautiful, magical serendipitous poetry that
sprang from the whole idea of giving deeply talented yet thoroughly
marginalized folks who once had no hope, the chance to become self sufficient,
independent and prosperous by crafting innovative footwear
from recycled tires, inner tubes, organic cottons and other great natural materials!
We were
rebelling against the status quo in so many ways and doing it through footwear so we said: “we are sole Rebels!”
It was a magical bonus to our whole idea but one
that we still believe in passionately to this day.
TNW: Tell us a little about the early
days of your business. How did you raise the capital? Who were your first
customers? As you launched your business, did you ever imagine that
soleRebels might become a global brand?
BTA: From a physical standpoint it was pretty basic.
We self financed, with only workers plus myself working inside a workshop
situated on my grandmother’s plot of land inside our village of Zenabwork. But
from an idea and vision stand point it was immense – we aimed right from day one
to create, grow and control a
world class footwear brand right from our community that would
create ever more jobs and growing prosperity for the workers, by
leveraging the artisan skills of the community and the natural resources of the
nation. That created an intoxicating sense of motivation and ambition that 8
years later is stronger than ever inside the company, even as we have grown to
hundreds of workers….
We had great
success right out of the gate. The product was super fresh and the brand had a
distinct point of view and so were able to score distribution with some iconic
retailers like Amazon, Urban Outfitters and Whole Foods, and I am proud to say
that we built this company from the ground up ourselves. Finance, product, everything!
In the process we never missed
a payroll, and we’ve always been profitable.
We’ve never surrendered a single bit of control, and own 100% of the company.
We compete globally by making footwear that people love, and delivering that footwear in an incredible
customer focused manner.
We spend every day trying to win the loyalty of the people who buy and
love soleRebels. We win that loyalty by creating awesome footwear, a
compelling brand, and an off the planet customer service experience.
That’s our waking [and often sleeping] goal. It’s what pre-occupies me
and drives my team. Because if we do that then we will continue to grow
this brand to ever higher heights.
TNW: What were the biggest challenges
you faced as you scaled your business to 100 employees, with distribution to
more than 30 countries worldwide? How did you overcome these challenges?
My challenges right now are:
1. Ensuring
that everyone at soleRebels is always focused on keeping our brand
exciting, fresh and dynamic. That means continually giving our
customers the most awesome and amazing footwear; footwear that makes
them say “WOW” when they put them on their feet and which makes other
people ask them “where did you get those shoes?”
2. Maintaining
the highest levels of customer service. I’m not interested in selling a
customer a single pair of shoes - I want our customers to be so blown
away by our shoes and the exceptional level of service we give that they
become soleRebels customers for life. soleRebels is an experience and
part of that experience is the way we treat customers – which is the
same way we want to be treated when we are customers of a company - like
a valued friend! A key part of the equation is our happy soles
guarantee which is the very best guarantee in the footwear business.
That is an awesome promise to customers that requires 24/7 dedication
to realize, so ensuring that the entire company stays laser focused on
customer happiness is critical.
3. soleRebels
is a global brand that is committed to serving our consumers and our
workers equally well. I want to ensure that our workforce of super
talented craftspeople come to work each and every day excited to work at
soleRebels not simply because we pay high wages and have a great
relaxed work environment, but because they get to maximize their
potential and be a part of building an exciting global brand. This
requires a constant dedication to worker happiness, which is always top
of my list.
I am
always challenging myself ‘how do I continue to make soleRebels not
simply the best footwear brand but the best company to work at, a place
of transformative opportunity for our staff ?’.
soleRebels is a place that takes a guy who came in as a shoe stitcher,
sees his creativity and turns him into a shoe designer who makes a
monthly salary higher than a doctor and owns 2 condominiums; a place
that takes a young woman who never finished high school, and gives her
the opportunity to become a section leader who makes more than a bank
manger, while also giving her the flexible work schedule to complete her
high school studies.
4. Ensuring that our
global network of soleRebels branded retail outlets – we have
franchised and company-owned soleRebels stores opening in Austria,
Switzerland, Taiwan and the US in the coming months - are ready to
deliver the soleRebels experience to every person who comes in. I want
everyone who walks into one of our stores to have their breath taken
5. To keep up with surging global demand for soleRebels!
TNW: For many people, when they think
of Ethiopia, they think of famine. What image would you like people to have of
your country?
BTA: When you say that “For many people, when they
think of Ethiopia, they think of famine”, I think the more interesting
question to be asked is WHY
that is ?
Why do they have “these ideas” about Ethiopia or Africa?
Why has there been an insistence on presenting a singular and
debased image of us for the most part?
You also need to ask who has been
at the forefront on engineering those images of us? I can tell you point
blank it hasn’t been Ethiopians at the forefront of creating the images and
narrative about Ethiopia. Instead it’s been people and entities with a vested
interest in positioning Ethiopia as “needing help” and specifically needing the
“help” they happen to be offering. It’s been people and entities
who have taken advantage of the natural goodwill of the people here to craft
their own message to serve their purposes vis
a vis Ethiopia, purposes that most often have zero to do with
the wellbeing of the people here.
This same
pattern of misdirection exists widely
across the continent but has been particularly pernicious here in
Ethiopia. While there are some organizations attempting to accomplish real and
tangible things here and across the continent that positively impact lives,
there are far more who are effectively
scamming and stealing under the guise of doing “good things in Africa”. I think
it must be a huge turn off when people discover that a company or cause
that they supported has literally been selling them a lie … no more is this
true than in the case of “Africa”. There are companies who have made trillions
off creating HUGE illusions about what they are doing in Africa!
person or entity or nation who doesn’t control their name or image has nothing,
so letting others market their version of “Africa” was always a tragic
error on so many levels .
If you do not create your own narrative, others will
create it for you. And in the case of Africa at large they have and it’s been a
dreadful narrative as we all know…. full of cheap hucksters, all filled
with ‘their’ new project which
is going to save us, eternal in their
assumption that WE have always been and will always be incapable of doing for
and providing for ourselves… lies and half truths all aimed at keeping
us poor and the $ flowing their way.
So changing Africa’s image
is simple: Africans MUST dominate
the space that tells + sells Africa. Period. We must tell our
own stories, market our own innovations, companies, cultures and products. To do that we need to STOP
the relentless and ridiculous noise described above, made by people
who have little if any connection with Africa, or who certainly do NOT have the
interests of Africa at heart.
Thankfully if we look at
Africa’s creative entrepreneurs – especially those working in industries like
ours that are reliant on brand and brand image - they have already seized
the initiative and are taking full ownership of all our resources –- physical,
mental, spiritual, cultural and creative – and are moving forward with huge
As our entrepreneurs forge new markets, create global companies,
award-winning brands, jobs, growth and unmatched prosperity, they are redrawing
this picture of “needy Africans”.
And the most exciting
element is that these entrepreneurs are also exposing the true brand of Africa, a brand that
bubbles with creativity and industriousness. A brand that is buoyed by
reservoirs of talented and cultured peoples, and one that is enriched by Africa’s
soil and her untapped treasures
soleRebels has been
leading this effort, presenting a much needed counter to the
shibboleth that Africa and Africans don’t know how to create their way to
prosperity. soleRebels is living proof that in fact we do know. But it needs
to happen on a much larger scale and that’s one of the reasons why I am taking
the soleRebels brand global through our rollout of branded soleRebels
retail stores. It will be near impossible for someone to create a negative
portrait of Ethiopia, when there are awesome soleRebels stores on highstreets
and malls in every major city around the world. That’s the power of having a
truly global brand; in addition to delivering great products and services to
people which enable you to be global, people in turn understand that the brand
is an extension of the place of origin. That origin place then becomes imbued
with the success of the brand. So this is a very powerful image changer.
As African
entrepreneurs move forward in further shaping this transformation, we are
letting it be known that the days when others project Africa’s image and damage
our brand for their
gain are finally over. We are determined to protect that image –- perhaps Africa’s
most critical resource – as zealously and as righteously as the global brand
giants who sell their brands across the continent. No less would be expected
from Africa’s emerging brand stewards. Africans have endured and triumphed over
tragedy and privation, to the extent that we are now poised to make this The African Century, an immense
opportunity for all. This is our story, our transformation, created by the
sweat of our brows, moulded by our unvanquished spirits and told by us in our
own beautiful tones.
I believe
that one of the KEYS for Ethiopia to properly create prosperity [and for Africa as a
whole] we must be at the forefront of, and in full control of the
commercialization of our culture realizing all the gains from same.
soleRebels is
at the forefront of an unstoppable movement that proves the creative
agency and business acumen of the people of Africa; our desire to control the
fruits of our resources, our heritages , our land and labour and the processing
of these and it will never be squelched. We will never let any usurpation
of those resources and our rights to them happen again….
Ethiopia and
our artisans have long been a hub of creativity, innovators of
fashions long before fashion was a term. So It is long past time for us as
Ethiopians and Africans to fully profit from these arts and to embed that
profit and its annuity- the brand
around these fine arts - here amongst those who will benefit most- the
people of this country.
It is an
abomination that brands can represent themselves as “African” yet are
neither African owned, nor African situated, seek to reap the
rewards that claiming “African-ness” seems to bring.
Just as sure as
Champagne that’s not, this piracy must be put to an end. And the best
way to end piracy is to end its economic reason for being and the BEST WAY to
do that is to out compete them and win!
soleRebels has been at the
forefront of creating the change that is showing that
Ethiopia and Africa can create, deliver and grow world class products and
brands that can compete globally and win! We have stores opening around the
planet - from Taiwan to Switzerland- these are being opened by us in
conjunction with partners - experienced business folks who have staked
their money on our ideas. Now that’s change and that’s the forefront of the possibilities
that face Ethiopia. Not simply selling a product or some raw materials BUT
rather getting people around the world to buy into our ideas and support,
promote and grow those ideas!