Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Scott Robinson looks to ancient lands in Offbeat Roads premiere

Scott Robinson, a Canadian “extreme cyclist” with the Guinness World Record for the fastest human-powered trek across Africa, tackles the terrain of Ethiopia in his new Travel + Escape television series, Offbeat Roads. Premiering Jan. 13, the program follows Robinson and 15 other cyclists as they travel the Danakil Depression, which is the lowest and hottest place on Earth. The Post’s Sarah Macdonald spoke to Robinson about both rising temperatures and rising tempers.
Q  Why did you choose Ethiopia’s Danakil Depression for this tour?A  Over the years of going to Ethiopia, I heard about the world’s most inhospitable, craziest place on the planet. So I started Googling it and looking at pictures and was just blown away by finding out this is where man’s first steps were taken. Lucy’s bones, back in the ’60s, were found in the Danakil Depression. I thought, “Well, I’m going to ride my bike across the Danakil Depression and be the first guy to ride in Lucy’s footsteps.” I wanted to do it, personally, because that’s the kind of guy I am. I started thinking, “You know, I should film this. It’s too crazy not to film.” I was going to do a documentary for the film festivals, so I hired two cameramen to come along with me, and we just went out there. I got riders to come with me and we just filmed it. Here are with a TV show now.
Q  How did the cyclists fare in the extreme conditions?A  Some really broke down, there’s no question. People broke down badly. I’ve been through deserts before, and it was tough on me, but people broke down. They got nasty. Either they were physically breaking down or mentally breaking down. There are seven people who won’t talk to me from that trip. It’s like [they] thought I put the desert there. They forgot what they signed up for.
Q  This venture isn’t just all about trekking across 1,600 kilometres of land. There is a more social and environmental aspect to it. What else do you hope to accomplish with this show and this journey?A  I was [in Ethiopia] once for a rainy season and watched the farmland get washed away. Ethiopia once was one of the fertile crescents of the world. I just started thinking that I have to plant some trees here. That was one of my goals. But while I was there I always raised money for soccer balls and books for the kids because we rode through the remote Ethiopian Highlands all the time.
Q  What was your favourite find on this trip to Ethiopia? One of them was in the desert and I was standing on an old reef. It was part of the Red Sea. Here you are in the middle of the desert on you’re bike and you’re standing on an old reef that is millions of years old. The other was pushing my bike up a volcano and, at the top, is a sulphur volcano. It’s not lava, it’s sulphur, and green, yellow, purple and bubbling up like a huge lake at the top of the volcano. You feel like you’re in a Dali painting. That’s memorable as hell. You’ll see that in the show. That sulphur volcano was one of the most incredible things.
 Do you have any plans in the future for another trek like this?
A If we get the second season, I already have the ride planned. We’ll be in Peru. We’re going to do the polar opposite. We’re going to get up to 17,000, 18,000 feet on our bikes. We’re going to push through the cold and altitude. We’re going to be on back roads and trails. Then part of our trip will be slashing our way through the jungle, on local’s trails, with machetes and our bikes.

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